Warning labels and side effects about Alcohol.

I was listening to a podcast a few weeks back where the discussion mentioned the idea of more detailed alcohol warning labels including potential side effects.  It was said in a joking way but then again it makes so much sense. I laughed thinking about it as they poked fun of what some of the label warnings would say.


The comparison was to the side effects on Big Pharm drugs that we see in commercials. Things like; may cause constipation, dizziness, giant eyeball syndrome (ok that last one is a joke), but these are often acknowledged toward the end a drug commercial. Often times the side effects are more gnarly then what the drugs are intended to help. The obvious; antidepressant drugs that might cause suicical thoughts. WTF. That seems like a terrible option if already depressed.


So lets have some fun (or be honest) and come up with some labels that could be attributed to Beer, Vodka, Wine, Tequila, etc. First, lets start with the benefits. Beer, a nice social anti anxiety medicine. Or Wine, great for de stressing at the end of the day. Vodka, relax and unwind. Or Tequila, get a little silly and enjoy the night…


Then in a classic, fast and unanimated voice, comes the list of side effects… May cause; dizziness, upset stomach, vomiting, poor choices, over talking, loud speaking, arguments, violence, sleepiness, passing out, loss of memory, selfishness, withdrawal, hangover, headache, weight gain, puffy eyes, fatty face, red skin, poor sleep, anxiety, depression and addiction.


Also, cases have shown to cause; broken relationships, bad consequences, self loathing, financial strain, divorce, cheating, driving drunk, terrible despair, loss of job, loss of hope, loss of life, death.


In rare cases, complete and total life ruin, broken family, lunatic thinking, obsessive thoughts, physical harm, liver failure, cancer, STDS, unwanted pregnancy, unwanted sexual relations, lack of sleep, habit forming lifestyle.


While others have seen additional effects in; waking up naked on a sidewalk, concussions, black eyes, jail, ruining spouses holiday party, ruining owns life, increased life stress, late night consumption of tacos, loss of phone, loss of credit cards, loss of mind.


Displaying these warnings playing while an image of a serene sunset of a fit guy and girl on the beach drinking beers…


I bet that might detour some from drinking or over drinking…It sure would have to me.


I think it might be time to get real about the effects of alcohol. I sure know many friends and family that are struggling with similar side effects. It’s truly a shame.


Maybe you can tell me some additional warnings.