Happy Sober?

Happy sober?


Is that a thing? Is it even possible? Seems weird to understand. How can one truly be happy, sober?


If you are like me, you have had these thoughts. Possibly when you were in drinking mode (for me a past lifestyle) and someone would mention being sober, the thought seemed so boring, and far from Happy.


During that period. Happy for me was with beers, cigs and friends. With smaller happy times with family and playing sports.  But mostly happy equaled beers somewhere in the equation.


Happy was directly associated with drinking. For me. For most my friends. As well as for most alcohol commercials, movies and advertisements. Happy was drinking. Drinking was happy.


Until it changed. Until it wasn’t. Until the sadness from drinking overruled the happiness from drinking. Funny how that works.


Then it was like a long drawn out break up with a partner. You would continue to try it again, to see if things changed. Only to have it continue in the opposite direction. The happiness of drinking became horrible guilt and depression the next day. The drinking changed to more sadness.


Then soberness found its way. Surely complex, surely not easy, surely not on demand. But it comes and finds you. Luckily for some. Finally for others. But the last thing you think when getting sober is happiness. It’s more about dread and despair.  Or the shock of raw emotions? What does one do? Happiness is a distant goal, but often seems like a fairy tale or mystical creature.


Happy Sober, seemed contradicting…


Then, one day it hits you. Out of the blue, maybe mid laugh with friends, or a moment in beautiful scenery, or a brilliant smell of flowers, or fresh coffee, or a vista over the ocean, or sitting reading a book, a look from your family, or friend, or helping another person, it comes in strong…its at that moment, happiness occurs. And it’s freaking amazing. You are happy. You are sober. And together you are Happy Sober. It’s nice. It’s clean. It’s pure. It’s beautiful.


Happy sober, is real. I’ve felt it. It’s not always. It comes and goes, but when its there its amazing. And the more you acknowledge it, the more you seem to find it. It becomes more often. You wake happy. You sleep happy. You spend more and more moments happy.


Happy sober is to be cherished and appreciated. The more you do that, the more you get. Even in difficult times, you can find small happiness. As you think clearly, solve problems and mature.


There is even crazy happy sober. When you enjoy crazy moments, happily and sober. Dancing at a wedding, Singing out load at karaoke, dress up parties. Its possible. Crazy happy sober is next level. It’s really cool.


And guess what, unlike drinking fake happy, Happy Sober doesn’t include hangovers filled with guilt, depression and self-loathing. Happy Sober actually thrives and wants more of the fun times. But also acknowledges a responsibility to life. And Life’s challenges.


I’ve been sober for 1 year 7 months. Despite incredibly difficult life challenges, I’m seeing a lot of Happy Sober times. Laughing, dancing, friendships, moments, scenery, opportunities. Life is beautiful. Especially sober.


So look for it. Its real. Happy Sober is a thing…