Its been a long time since I’ve posted. Not forgotten, rather just got into some patterns that moved me in another direction. I’m now 5 ½ years sober and its the key to my health, stress reduction and lifestyle. I still geek out at all the benefits and help others where I can. I truly love being alcohol free!
That said, this past weekend I was at a wild ski event that is all about the apres ski party. For me it was like a reunion of old friends that I haven’t seen in years. Not going to lie, I was a little nervy about attending given the amplified focus on party and drinking. Not because I wanted to drink. More because I’m just not that guy anymore. Which can trigger some old memories of a different past me. The party guy me. Something I have a lot of conflicting emotions about. Probably pretty standard I suspect for past party people.
A few observations though. Lots of smiles and fun for this charity event. I do enjoy the energy of younger folk, stoked on life. I saw lot of that along with retro costumes that made me smile. Then I saw a few old friends that haven’t turned off the alcohol switch. And that’s rough to see. Aged and less energetic. I’m trying not to judge or preach, but man I wish I could just tell them to let go of the sauce… but that’s their journey.
Then this interesting coincidence occurred. First, I connected with an old friend that is now part of this new craft Non Alc Beer brand. I love this concept so much! In fact, many years back I made a run at trying to start my own NA line of beer. In part, the title of this blog. So I’m hyped to see this brand do well. They had a tent set up smack dab in the middle of the apres party deck. A rowdy crowd and I wondered how the response would be as they offered free beer.
*Side note, NA beer was my go to for my first year of getting sober. The offerings back then were pretty lame, but it helped get me over the hump of drinking. So I’m fully backing this concept.
I was hyped to see many people stoked on the NA beer. A few pregnant women were extra stoked. While a lot of others were curious about the taste, the brand and sort of small head nod as they drank maybe their first NA beer. The irony that I’m now helping this brand is rad and I hope they crush it!
Then as I stood there talking to a few old buddies, some heaviness. A friend says his wife is leaving him after 22 years married. I hurt for him. My wife left me after 10 yrs. I try to offer some sincere support. Then the friend next to us, says yeah, my wife is leaving me too…Brutal I thought to myself. The three of us offered some nice words of support and shared in helpful tips to get through it.
I felt for them as I know the trauma that divorce can cause. However, I couldn’t help to smirk inside at the irony of three guys in their 40s hanging out at a NA Beer tent talking about their wives leaving them… Coincidence? Did alcohol have anything to do with it? I know for sure mine did. I was a lush beer drinker in my 30s (and she had her own issues with alcohol). Had I quit alcohol earlier in my life, I’m certain that would have helped. My two buddies, were not full Non Alc yet, but I hope they consider their relationship with it as a possible way to cope.
I feel like there is some type of joke that starts with three guys talking in a NA beer tent… one says my wife is leaving me, another says mine too, third says mine already did… pass me a beer. Then again, something really nice about connecting with a couple old friends, talking life and having a nice cold NA beer.
Life is a trip. Despite the hurt and heartache at times, taking a step back can offer a uniquely fascinating perspective. It sure did for me this past weekend. I appreciate being sober for it. I hope others find their path in that direction as well.
For now; Near Beer Me!